
Because simplicity matters and flat is better than nested this site is the way it is.
Continously under construction.


I created the Pythonic Thoughts Snippets series because I need to share my connection with the code I write and read, how my vision and style evolve with time, in a continuous quest towards writing more maintainable, easy to read, robust and beautiful code.

This blog is not about Tutorials or recipes on HowTo do things with Python, there are thousands of websites out there that address such topics beautifully. This blog is about highly contextualised discussions regarding implementations, designs, strategies, patterns, and alike. Accordingly, I do not extensively introduce the topics I discuss, and I just expect the reader to be as knowledge as me (whatever that is) and directly engage the discussion. If you feel a topic is too advanced and you can’t follow, I hope you bookmark the page and come back in a future time; if you are more experienced than me and notice my argument is wrong or not accurate I hope you bookmark the page as well }:-]. Whatever is the case, please raise and issue and let’s discuss!

When needed, alongside with the posts, I also add the corresponding pseudo-code snippets. Code snippets are also available for download separately in the Code Snippets Repository.

Posts in this blog are the result of many online and book readings, discussions with others, and hours spent staring at the code. Please notice my background is not on Computational Sciences, I am a biochemist passionate about coding that have learned my way through this beautiful discipline – well… now, I am a full-time programmer in Python. :-o

Generally, posts follow no structured order, they are added sequentially as I write; newest posts come first in the list bellow – yep, just like a blog ;-) – but, sometimes, post series naturally emerge. Expect posts to mutate with time, as I become wiser (or madder), I may come back and edit them; edit tags will be added on edited discussions.


João M.C. Teixeira, 2019-2022.

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